Teeth Whitening: What To Expect Before, During, and After My In-Office Visit?

before and after of a woman after teeth whitening

Influenced by the media’s portrayal of perfect smiles, people seek ways to brighten their teeth. If you’re curious about teeth whitening, what to expect varies based on the chosen method.

There are various teeth whitening methods, each with specific mechanisms and efficacy based on the type of discoloration. Professional in-office treatments offer significant results, brightening your smile by several shades in one visit.

A radiant smile impresses and boosts self-confidence. Professional teeth whitening eliminates stains and restores confidence. It’s an efficient and safe option, delivering impressive results without harming your teeth.

Before your appointment, consider factors like cost and lifestyle habits to choose between in-office or take-home treatments. In-office treatments use highly concentrated bleaching agents under professional supervision, ensuring optimal outcomes.

During the visit, our team will guide you through the process, making it smooth and comfortable. After the treatment, you’ll notice a visibly brighter smile, enhancing your self-assurance.

Contact us and trust our knowledgeable team to deliver exceptional results and a dazzling smile!

In-Office Teeth Whitening: Preparing for Your Treatment

In-office teeth whitening offers a straightforward and effective solution for adults seeking a radiant smile. Before your whitening appointment, take these steps:

  1. Schedule a Regular Checkup: Before any dental procedure, visit the dentist to ensure the overall health of your teeth and gums. It prevents discomfort and sensitivity during the whitening process.
  2. Optimize Oral Hygiene: Maintain a rigorous oral hygiene routine, focusing on thorough cleaning, especially in the days leading up to your appointment.
  3. Timing Matters: Eat a light meal at least 30 minutes before treatment. Avoid eating during the procedure, as the enamel softens after consuming food.
  4. Consider Dental Restorations: If you have crowns or veneers, assess their shade compared to your natural teeth. Plan to replace them after whitening, if necessary, to avoid mismatched colors.
  5. Discuss Concerns: Consult with Dr. López to address areas where the whitening agent may not penetrate, such as areas overexposed to fluoride or dental work.

Remember, Dr. López and his caring dental team are here to guide you through the process. Achieve the bright smile you desire with in-office teeth whitening.

Receiving Your In-Office Teeth Whitening: What To Expect

When you arrive, your dentist will assess your current tooth shade using a chart for your in-office teeth whitening. Together, you’ll discuss the expected brightness improvement after the treatment.

The in-office professional whitening typically comprises multiple short appointments, lasting at most an hour and a half. During each 15- to 30-minute session, a whitening agent is applied.

Your teeth will undergo professional cleaning to remove plaque and tartar before the whitening treatment starts. This step ensures optimal results. We place gauze in your mouth to keep it dry and use retractors to shield your lips, cheeks, and gums from the whitening solution. The dentist applies a protective barrier to your gums and then administers the whitening gel to your teeth.

Types of In-Office Whitening Treatments:  

There are different types of in-office whitening treatments:

  • Dentists may apply hydrogen peroxide gel using a syringe at a high concentration.
  • Or hydrogen peroxide combined with high-intensity light, such as an LED or halogen, applied externally.

Using specialized light during whitening has shown faster and better results. In a 2016 study, researchers discovered halogens and laser light outperformed hydrogen peroxide alone in increasing teeth lightness. Consider seeking expert guidance when using light tools with a specific whitening gel, as some studies have shown there may be no significant benefit from doing so.

How Long Does the Procedure Take?

The whitening process takes about an hour, and you can have some leisure time, like watching TV or listening to music. It’s painless, with only a slight tingling or warmth from the light.

Following the treatment, we will rinse your teeth and, if necessary, apply fluoride to minimize sensitivity. You can leave the office happy with your revitalized smile.

Caring for Your Freshened Smile

After in-office teeth whitening, sensitive teeth are a common but temporary issue, typically resolving within days. Reduce sensitivity using specialized toothpaste. Teeth whitening removes only existing stains; it doesn’t shield against future ones.

Tooth discoloration has two staining categories:

  • Intrinsic: Internal staining— resulting from genetics, aging, antibiotics, elevated fluoride levels, antibiotics, and developmental disorders.
  • Extrinsic: External staining—resulting from smoking, pigmented food, metals, and medication.

Stains become visible as colored compounds from these sources stick to the outer layer of your teeth.

The 48-Hour Rule: What To Eat and Avoid for Optimal Teeth Whitening Results

To safeguard your teeth from future staining, be cautious about your diet in the initial 48 hours post-treatment. Avoid brightly colored foods, coffee, and red wine. Teeth are dehydrated after whitening, heightening susceptibility to liquid and food stains. Subsequently, opt for light-colored fruits, vegetables, plain white yogurt, and chicken while steering clear of acidic or colorful foods.

Once the first 48 hours elapse, you can reintroduce colorful foods, yet limit items known to stain teeth, like coffee, wine, tomato sauce, blueberries, and balsamic vinegar. Using a straw for dark-colored beverages reduces contact with teeth, minimizing staining.

Temporary darkening post-whitening is possible, but it improves with time. Should your preferred tooth’s shade not be achieved within a week, consider consulting your dentist for options, such as at-home products or additional in-office visits.

Long-Term Teeth Whitening and Oral Health

Maintain an excellent oral hygiene routine:

  • Whitening toothpaste
  • Brushing twice daily
  • Daily flossing and mouthwash

Remember to get biannual dental checkups with Dr. López. For enduring whiteness, consider touch-up treatments as needed, typically once or twice a year, based on your habits and stain susceptibility. Following these guidelines ensures long-term white teeth, surpassing a few months of brightness.

Take-Home Trays

For patients seeking comprehensive whitening, custom take-home trays are a diligent option. They follow in-office treatment or can stand alone if the dentist anticipates new stains. The tray, custom-made from an impression of your teeth, ensures better results than OTC trays.

It contains an ingredient called carbamide peroxide-based gel, lessening sensitivity risk. The concentration ranges from 10% to 38%, worn for 2 to 10 hours daily, up to 28 days. Unlike OTC trays, the custom fit prevents the gel from reaching the gums or missing hard-to-reach spots.

Investing in Professional Teeth Whitening To Rejuvenate Your Smile

Teeth whitening, a process to lighten tooth color, can be safely achieved through stain removal and chemical reactions with the best results under the guidance of a local dentist professional. Hydrogen peroxide (H2O2), the main ingredient in various whitening products, causes a chemical breakdown, releasing hydrogen peroxide, which leads to tooth whitening.

Tooth stains consist of chromogens, compounds with color, either intrinsic or extrinsic. Hydrogen peroxide bleaches organic compounds with double bonds, lightening their color. In one or two appointments, your dentist can perform in-office treatments, and custom take-home trays are utilized for touch-ups.

Teeth whitening what to expect: Professional treatments offer more significant results than over-the-counter options. For at least two shades lighter, consider a professional treatment.

If you are looking for more information, schedule your appointment now!
