5 Warning Signs It’s Time for a Dental Check-up

woman getting dental checkup

It’s a common misconception that minor dental problems such as cavities or gum disease will resolve on their own over time, but this is rarely the case. In fact, if left untreated, these minor issues can quickly escalate into more serious conditions that may require extensive and costly treatment such as root canals, tooth extractions or dental implants. This is why it’s important to find a Spokane dentist and visit regularly for dental checkups and cleanings, so they can detect any potential problems before they become major ones. Doing so will help ensure that you maintain a healthy smile and avoid unnecessary pain or expense down the road. Here are five of the most common signs it’s time to schedule a dental check-up. 

Bleeding gums 

Bleeding gums are one of the most prominent dental warning signs, and commonly occurs during brushing or eating. Blood while flossing could potentially be benign and simply be caused by infrequent flossing or improper flossing technique, but if you have been regularly flossing without issue and then suddenly notice blood in your mouth while doing so, then that should also be taken as a warning sign. Bleeding gums are caused by the accumulation of plaque around the gum line, which can result in gingivitis. If left untreated, this can lead to further periodontal disease, causing tissue damage and potentially tooth loss. 

This affliction can be extremely uncomfortable not only due to the physical pain, soreness, and tenderness involved, but also the emotional impact suffered if gums begin bleeding spontaneously during talking or smiling. Individuals suffering from bleeding gums may also feel guilt that they have neglected good oral hygiene or failed to keep up on their dental appointments. Bleeding gums can even cause systemic effects on general health if left untreated; research has suggested that people with periodontal disease have two to three times the risk of heart attack or stroke, possibly due to release of inflammatory agents into the bloodstream when bacterial infection occurs beneath the gum line. 

Fortunately, bleeding gums and any underlying effects can often be reversed by doubling down on a good oral health regimen. However, you will still need to schedule an examination and cleaning to determine the extent of periodontal disease, as once it has progressed to a certain point it will require professional care to fully resolve. 


Tooth or gum ache 

Toothache is a common dental issue caused by a variety of factors, but most frequently occurs through erosion by acid and plaque and the weakening of tooth enamel. Toothache can also be caused by infection in the roots of the teeth, trauma to the mouth, grinding or clenching the teeth, gum disease, cracked fillings or crowns, and impacted wisdom teeth. Certain habits like smoking and consuming alcohol or sugary drinks can also increase the risk for developing a toothache. Smoking provides an environment that fosters bacteria, plaque, and tartar buildup, while drinking alcohol can decrease saliva production which also inhibits your ability to fight off bacteria.  

If you notice pain when eating or applying pressure, then you should schedule an examination with a your local dentist in Spokane as soon as possible. While toothache is generally not a dental emergency unless the pain is so severe that it prevents you from eating or drinking, the underlying cause of toothache is unlikely to resolve itself. Even if the pain disappears on its own, this may be the result of the nerve in the tooth dying as the root cause of the toothache continues to progress. 

Tooth sensitivity 

Tooth sensitivity is a common dental issue that can be an indication of more serious underlying problems. While you might experience sensitivity to heat or cold while eating, it may also be a sign of tooth decay as the enamel on your teeth may be wearing away, or the roots of your teeth may be exposed. Other potential causes may also be a worn filling, crown, or bridge, a cracked or chipped tooth, or untreated cavities. Any of these causes warrant a dental visit for an evaluation. In the meantime, you may be able to reduce the sensitivity experienced by avoiding extremely hot or cold foods such as ice cream or drinking liquids through a straw. 

Yellowing or stained teeth 

Teeth turning yellow or becoming stained is not merely cosmetic; it can also point to serious underlying dental issues that need to be addressed. When teeth become stained, it can indicate the presence of plaque and tartar buildup, which can increase the risk for developing cavities or gingivitis. The staining can also point to tooth decay, as the enamel erodes away due to acidic and sugary beverages which give bacteria an environment in which to thrive. If left untreated, decay and plaque buildup can lead to gum recession and serious tissue damage. 

Once you have your teeth evaluated and cleaned to ensure that there is no underlying damage, then there are additional teeth whitening agents and procedures to brighten your teeth further if so desired. 


Loose tooth 

A loose tooth can be a sign of an underlying dental issue that needs to be addressed. Loose teeth are rarely caused by normal wear and tear, as the ligaments and bones of the jaw should keep adult teeth firmly in place. Most often, a loose tooth may be due to periodontal disease, trauma or injury to the mouth from sports or accidents, receding gums, or untreated cavities that have weakened the structure of the tooth. 

It is important to schedule an evaluation with your dentist if you notice any degree of looseness in your teeth so that they can determine what is causing it and provide appropriate treatment. If left untreated, a loose tooth could lead to further damage such as infection, displacement, or even total loss of the affected tooth. Teeth also depend on their neighbors to help support each other during the forces exerted during biting and chewing, and a tooth being weakened or lost can have adverse effects on the surrounding teeth. 



It is important to monitor your oral health carefully, as many dental issues may be symptomatic of a more serious underlying problem. If you notice any changes in the color or texture of your teeth, experience tooth sensitivity when eating certain foods or beverages, have loose teeth, or notice pain with biting or chewing, then you should schedule an appointment with Summit Dentistry Spokane. With early detection and intervention, many problems can be managed before they become severe enough to require more invasive treatments. Your dentist will work closely with you to provide personalized solutions that meet both your aesthetic goals and long-term oral health needs. If you have any questions about how we can make your next dentist visit any easier, please reach out to us and we will be glad to help! 

