Understanding Dental Crown Aftercare, Lifespan, and Their Purpose

Illustration of dental crown installation

At Summit Family & Cosmetic Dentistry, we want to share important information about dental crowns—an excellent solution for dental damage. Dental crowns are incredibly lifelike and can last many years, offering comfort while chewing and clear speech.

Our teeth, although resilient, are not invincible. Factors like decay, trauma, bruxism (teeth grinding), or cavities can damage them. Fortunately, dental crowns can restore their strength and appearance.

Now, let’s delve into their purpose, lifespan, and how to care for them. Discover why this restorative procedure is highly sought-after in dentistry.

Dental Crowns Simplified: A Tooth’s Royal Attire

Dental crowns are tooth-shaped caps covering damaged teeth. They restore the tooth’s appearance, strength, function, shape, and size.

Once a dentist securely places the crown, it will safeguard the tooth above and at the gum line. Think of it as a regal outfit for your teeth, offering protection and an aesthetically pleasing smile.

The Crown’s Material: A Matter of Choice

Dentists can use various materials to craft dental crowns but commonly use porcelain because it resembles your natural teeth and blends seamlessly into your smile. Regarding dental crown materials, we have three primary types:

  1. Ceramic Crowns: Crafted from solid porcelain, ceramic crowns effortlessly match the shade of your natural teeth. They are an excellent choice if you have allergies associated with metal or prefer a more natural-looking smile.
  2. Porcelain-Fused-to-Metal (PFM) Crowns: These crowns have a metal alloy base covered with porcelain. They are strong, durable, and can also be color-matched to your natural teeth.
  3. All-Metal Crowns: Crafted from gold, platinum, or another metal alloy, all-metal crowns are the most robust option. However, they tend to be the priciest.

Restoring Smiles With Custom Crowns

Custom dental crowns aim to cover the visible portion of damaged teeth, restoring them to their former glory. Advanced dental materials, like medical-grade ceramic and zirconia, allow us to tailor the crown to your smile, matching the natural translucency of your teeth.

Dental crowns are securely attached using special dental cement. Once bonded, they solve a wide range of dental issues affecting your smile, ensuring a healthy and confident appearance.

What Are the Factors Influencing Dentists’ Recommendations for Dental Crowns?

Here are some common reasons why a dentist near you may recommend a dental crown:

  1. Restoring a badly decayed tooth: Fillings can address small cavities, but dental crowns may be necessary for larger holes and badly decayed teeth. After removing the decayed enamel, a crown is placed over the tooth, protecting it from further damage.
  2. Replacing a large worn-out or damaged filling: If an old filling is more than 2/3 the width of your tooth or is failing, replacing it with a crown is recommended. Crowns offer better protection against cracking and other complications.
  3. Repairing a cracked, chipped, or broken tooth: Dental crowns effectively repair teeth affected by oral injuries or normal wear and tear. Cosmetic treatments can sometimes address minor chips, but significant tooth damage often requires a crown to provide strength and functionality.
  4. Protecting a tooth after a root canal: Root canal therapy involves removing decayed material from inside a tooth and filling it. Dentists commonly use fillings for front teeth, but they usually prefer crowns for back teeth because of their increased biting force.
  5. Covering up a tooth for cosmetic purposes: In some cases, crowns can be used solely for decorative purposes. A crown can cover severe tooth discoloration or misshapen teeth, enhancing the appearance when veneers or bonding cannot treat them.

Additionally, dental crowns can reinforce and complete dental implants, fortify teeth with large fillings, and cover misshapen teeth when getting a dental bridge.

According to a survey, dentists commonly recommended crowns for fractured, cracked, broken restorations or treated teeth like root canals. Recommendations varied depending on the following factors:

  1. Patient insurance status
  2. Busyness
  3. Region
  4. Use of optical scanners

The Lifespan of Your Dental Crown: Materials, Care, and Expert Advice

Crowns are incredible dental prosthetics, but their durability depends on materials, personal habits, and care. With proper care, oral hygiene, and regular check-ups, dental crowns may last anywhere from five years to several decades!

Studies show around 52% of crowns survive 15 years. However, patient age, treatment needs, and dentist age influence survival rates.

Material matters. Ceramic crowns look nice but don’t last as long as porcelain-fused-to-metal crowns. The latter is sturdier due to metal support.

To choose the right type, discuss it with our top dentist nearby. Ensure you get value for your money.

Crowns on the upper canine teeth perform worse, while those on the first molars excel. Please keep them in top shape, listen to your dentist, and enjoy a long-lasting, beautiful smile! You’re investing in your oral health, and it’s worth it.

Dental Crown Aftercare Tips: Protecting Your Investment for a Lifelong Smile

Congratulations on your new dental crown! Now, let’s talk about how to take care of it properly. Summit Family & Cosmetic Dentistry is here to guide you with valuable dental crown aftercare tips to help keep them looking their best!

Maintaining good oral hygiene is vital, even with a dental crown. Although the crown covers the damaged tooth, it remains vulnerable to decay, infections, and gum disease.

So, continue your regular oral hygiene routine. Brush your teeth at least twice a day using toothpaste suitable for sensitive teeth if you feel any sensitivity around the crown or neighboring teeth.

Remember to floss daily to maintain the overall health of your smile. Regular flossing helps remove plaque and food particles accumulating around the crown, ensuring longevity.

Avoiding hard foods is wise to protect your dental crown from damage. Biting into ice or chewing on hard items can lead to cracks, especially if it’s a porcelain crown. Opt for softer alternatives whenever possible to protect your investment.

If you find yourself grinding or clenching your teeth during sleep, your dentist may suggest using a night guard for protection. This custom-fitted mouthguard protects your dental crown and the surrounding teeth. It protects against the harmful effects of bruxism, ensuring it stays intact.

Remember, caring for your dental crown is an intelligent investment in your oral health and the longevity of your smile. These tips will help you keep a healthy and vibrant smile for years.

Best Practices for Maintaining Temporary Crowns

Please handle temporary crowns carefully, as the adhesive is unsuitable for long-term use. Be gentle while brushing and flossing, avoiding upward snapping, which may cause displacement.

  • Wear a sports guard during contact sports to protect your crown from potential trauma.
  • Hardened objects, such as ice, can dislodge the crown.
  • Refrain from habits like biting your nails.

Regular Visits to an Expert Dentist in Washington

Regular dentist visits will help preserve your dental crown’s lifespan. During these appointments, our expert dentist carefully examines for any signs of damage, addressing them promptly. We also provide thorough cleaning sessions to prevent tooth decay and gum disease.

If you require a dental crown or suspect any issues with your current one, contact Summit Family & Cosmetic Dentistry for assistance. Schedule your appointment now for more information!
